Recognizing the need for long-term safety in the Family Justice Center’s client community, Women INspired to Grow and Succeed (WINGS) was designed to increase self-sufficiency and leadership skills of survivors of interpersonal violence. WINGS was built upon the Allstate Foundations’ Career and Financial Empowerment curriculum and supplemental materials designed specifically to meet the needs of Contra Costa residents.
WINGS aims to empower and educate survivors of interpersonal violence so that they are able to set and achieve personal and professional goals. Topics include financial literacy, educational goals, career sustainability, goal setting, resume and interview skills, entrepreneurial skills, and stress management. These skill-building topics will be mixed with emotional support discussions and activities. It is critical that participants feel empowered to make positive changes in their lives.
The conference and cohorts are taught in English and Spanish. They have been designed to be culturally and linguistically relevant to a variety of individuals.