Richmond +510-974-7200
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Antioch +925-281-0970

Elder Abuse [OLD]

What is it?

„Willfully causes or permits an elder or dependent adult to suffer physically or mentally, commits theft, embezzlement, forgery, or fraud of an elder or dependent adult, falsely imprisons an elder or dependent adult.

What are the stats?

„66% of victims are female

„More than half of perpetrators are family members, and most of these are adult children

„89% of cases occur at home

In Contra Costa County, there were roughly 4,500 calls to Adult Protective Services last year reporting elder abuse


What specific resources are available in Contra Costa County?

Contra Costa County has the Elder Abuse Prevention Project, a public/private partnership between multiple agencies and non-profit organizations that connect elder abuse survivors (ages 60+ and dependent adults) to resources within Contra Costa County.


Where can I get help?

Contact the Family Justice Center at 925-521-6366 or 510-974-7200.


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